[developers] semantic representations in RDF

Stephan Oepen oe at ifi.uio.no
Tue Jul 21 20:57:34 CEST 2020

hi again, alexandre:

> By current interface I mean the one I was able to run in my local machine taking the current version of the code in:
> http://svn.delph-in.net/wsi/trunk

i see, i had not realized you had gotten so far as to run your own WSI
instance ... congratulations on that milestone!

> Documentation of the query language WQL in http://alt.qcri.org/semeval2015/task18/index.php?id=search is not clear about the operators vs format they support.

yes, in fact there is no complete documentation of the WQL syntax and
of which operators are restricted to which formats.  the above page
(the closest we come to WQL documentation, i believe) is from the SDP
shared tasks, hence only applies to the bi-lexical frameworks (DM,
PAS, PSD, and CCD).

> I was expecting that regex would work in the predicates of EDS or MRS. So a query `x: _fight*[ARG* y]` could match a sentence with a predicate `_fight_v_1`.

yes, that type of wildcarding should indeed be applicable to pretty
much any query elements and graph formats.  your example query works
on the DeepBank index for ESD:


it does not match any results when searching the DeepBank MRSs,
however.  that is because WQL variables in an MRS index are
(interpreted as if) typed using the standard MRS conventions, i.e.
there is no predication whose label is of type 'x' and where there is
some argument of type 'y'.  if works if you modify the query to comply
with MRS types: 'h:_fight_*[ARG* x]'.

> You mentioned that you have an instance of the wsearch interface running too. Are you using the same code of the repository above? Do you know about any update/branch of this code?

i believe UW is not currently running their own WSI instance, because
they worry that index performance inside a virtual machine might not
scale favorably.  the improvements made by the UW MSc student are in
the WSI trunk, so you (unlike me) are using the latest and greatest

$ svn log http://svn.delph-in.net/wsi/trunk |head
r27878 | rpearah at uw.edu | 2019-05-25 20:30:59 +0200 (Sat, 25 May 2019) | 1 line

chore: � Add missing dependencies to pom.xml
r27877 | rpearah at uw.edu | 2019-05-25 20:30:54 +0200 (Sat, 25 May 2019) | 1 line

style: � Some minor style changes to MRS representation
r27804 | rpearah at uw.edu | 2019-05-15 23:08:31 +0200 (Wed, 15 May 2019) | 1 line

> 1. New code (not java based) for transform the semantic representations to RDF
> 2. New code (not java based) to transform WQL to SPARQL.

yes, the first of these is also something i have been meaning to do
natively in lisp, i.e. export directly to RDF, rather than export to
those [incr tsdb()] ASCII files and then parse these in java, to
convert to RDF.  i believe we should have turtle 'ontologies' (or
schemas, if you will) for the various RDF representations, i.e. at
least MRS, EDS, and DM.  i am tempted to migrate the WSI code from SVN
to M$ GitHub, and then we could maybe collect these schemas there, and
you could look into generating the RDF serializations without java?

as for the second, the WQL parser is fairly tightly integrated with
the web application and RDF back-end ... here i am not as sure that
isolating just the parser will be worthwhile?  i take it you are about
as eager a java person as i am :-)?

best wishes, oe

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