[itsdb] [t4000e] mprintf(): line too long for mprintf (%s)...

Stefan Müller Stefan.Mueller at fu-berlin.de
Fri Sep 7 15:02:23 CEST 2012


I am experimenting with Persian script and run into the following 
problem: When I parse certain sentences I get the message:

mprintf(): line too long for mprintf (%s)...

The only hit that google produces is Uli's capi code. (What a great 
thing open source is!)

The client crashes:

[linux-y4lu] (163) `مرد⫌ ⪩ه شما او را د⫌د⫌د و به او ⩾ول داد⫌د خند⫌د.' 
[100000] <1> --- client exit <40010>.
process-queue(): client exit on `linux-y4lu' <40010>
wait-for-clients(): `linux-y4lu' registered as tid <40011> [00:28].
[linux-y4lu] (165) `مرد⫌ ⪩ه شما ملاقات ⪩رد⫌د و ⪩تاب خر⫌د خند⫌د.' 
[100000] <1> --- client exit <4000e>.
process-queue(): client exit on `linux-y4lu' <4000e>
wait-for-clients(): `linux-y4lu' registered as tid <40012> [00:27].

The following is the stuff I try to transfer. I guess it is a unicode 
problem, since the asci version of this parse works fine.

Any suggestions would be most welcome!




   ((:result-id . 1) (:time . 7510) (:size . -1) (:r-pedges . 27) 
(:derivation . " (\"arg_h//2\" 0 12 (\"spr_h//0\" 0 11 (\"empty\" 0 0) 
(\"h_arg//2\" 0 11 (\"مردی\" 0 1) (\"h_arg//2\" 1 11 (\"که\" 1 2) 
(\"x_conj_y//2\" 2 11 (\"arg_h//2\" 2 6 (\"شما\" 2 3) (\"arg_h//2\" 3 6 
(\"h_adj//2\" 3 5 (\"او\" 3 4) (\"را\" 4 5)) (\"دیدید\" 5 6))) 
(\"h_arg//2\" 6 11 (\"و\" 6 7) (\"arg_h//2\" 7 11 (\"h_arg//2\" 7 9 
(\"به\" 7 8) (\"او\" 8 9)) (\"arg_h//2\" 9 11 (\"spr_h//0\" 9 10 
(\"empty\" 9 9) (\"پول\" 9 10)) (\"دادید\" 10 11)))))))) (\"خندید\" 11 
12))") (:mrs . "[ LTOP:h1 INDEX:  RELS: < [ udef_q LBL: h2 arg0:  rstr: 
h3 body: h4] [ man LBL: h5 arg0: ] [ specific LBL: h6 arg1: ] [ 
past_indicative_or_progressive LBL: h7 arg0:  arg3: h8] [ see LBL: h8 
arg0:  arg1:  arg2: ] [ and_v_rel LBL: h5 arg0:  arg1:  arg2:  l_handle: 
h8 r_handle: h9] [ udef_q LBL: h10 arg0:  rstr: h11 body: h12] [ money 
LBL: h13 arg0: ] [ past_indicative_or_progressive LBL: h14 arg0:  arg3: 
h9] [ give LBL: h9 arg0:  arg1:  arg2:  arg3: ] [ 
past_indicative_or_progressive LBL: h15 arg0:  arg3: h16] [ laugh LBL: 
h16 arg0:  arg1: ] > HCONS: < h1 qeq h2 h3 qeq h5 h17 qeq h10 h11 qeq 
h13  > ]") )

   ((:result-id . 2) (:time . 7510) (:size . -1) (:r-pedges . 27) 
(:derivation . " (\"arg_h//2\" 0 12 (\"spr_h//0\" 0 11 (\"empty\" 0 0) 
(\"h_arg//2\" 0 11 (\"مردی\" 0 1) (\"h_arg//2\" 1 11 (\"که\" 1 2) 
(\"arg_h//2\" 2 11 (\"شما\" 2 3) (\"x_conj_y//2\" 3 11 (\"arg_h//2\" 3 6 
(\"h_adj//2\" 3 5 (\"او\" 3 4) (\"را\" 4 5)) (\"دیدید\" 5 6)) 
(\"h_arg//2\" 6 11 (\"و\" 6 7) (\"arg_h//2\" 7 11 (\"h_arg//2\" 7 9 
(\"به\" 7 8) (\"او\" 8 9)) (\"arg_h//2\" 9 11 (\"spr_h//0\" 9 10 
(\"empty\" 9 9) (\"پول\" 9 10)) (\"دادید\" 10 11))))))))) (\"خندید\" 11 
12))") (:mrs . "[ LTOP:h1 INDEX:  RELS: < [ udef_q LBL: h2 arg0:  rstr: 
h3 body: h4] [ man LBL: h5 arg0: ] [ specific LBL: h6 arg1: ] [ 
past_indicative_or_progressive LBL: h7 arg0:  arg3: h8] [ see LBL: h8 
arg0:  arg1:  arg2: ] [ and_v_rel LBL: h5 arg0:  arg1:  arg2:  l_handle: 
h8 r_handle: h9] [ udef_q LBL: h10 arg0:  rstr: h11 body: h12] [ money 
LBL: h13 arg0: ] [ past_indicative_or_progressive LBL: h14 arg0:  arg3: 
h9] [ give LBL: h9 arg0:  arg1:  arg2:  arg3: ] [ 
past_indicative_or_progressive LBL: h15 arg0:  arg3: h16] [ laugh LBL: 
h16 arg0:  arg1: ] > HCONS: < h1 qeq h2 h3 qeq h5 h17 qeq h10 h11 qeq 
h13  > ]") )
)(:i-id . "1")
(:readings . "2")
(:first . "7510")
(:total . "7510")
(:tcpu . "7510")
(:tgc . "60")
(:treal . "7940")
(:words . "24")
(:p-etasks . "128")
(:pedges . "128")
(:rpedges . "33")
(:others . "17572848")
(:gcs . "5")
(:error . "")


   ((:rule . "x_conj_y") (:passives . 0) )

   ((:rule . "h_arg") (:passives . 0) )

   ((:rule . "arg_h") (:passives . 0) )

   ((:rule . "h_clitic") (:passives . 0) )

   ((:rule . "h_arg_extra") (:passives . 0) )

   ((:rule . "spr_h") (:passives . 0) )

   ((:rule . "h_adj") (:passives . 0) )

   ((:rule . "adj_h") (:passives . 0) )

   ((:rule . "filler_h") (:passives . 0) )

   ((:rule . "cl_h") (:passives . 0) )

   ((:rule . "h_cl") (:passives . 0) )

   ((:rule . "pred_np") (:passives . 7) )

   ((:rule . "noun_ezafe_noun") (:passives . 0) )

   ((:rule . "noun_possessor") (:passives . 0) )

   ((:rule . "free_rc") (:passives . 0) )
)(:o-application . "")
(:o-grammar . "Persian Grammar $Revision: 161 $")
(:o-ignore . "")
(:o-wf . "-1")
(:o-gc . "-1")
(:o-derivation . "")
(:o-tree . "")
(:o-mrs . "")
(:o-edges . "-1")
(:o-user . "stefan")
(:o-date . "07-09-2012 (14:55:20)")

Best wishes


Stefan Müller       Tel: (+49) (+30) 838 52973
                     Fax: (+49) (030) 838 4 52973
Institut für Deutsche und Niederländische Philologie
Deutsche Grammatik
Habelschwerdter Allee 45
14 195 Berlin



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