[lkb] LKB on MacBook Pro (OSX 10.4)

Roussanka Loukanova rloukano at stp.lingfil.uu.se
Sun Sep 3 16:10:14 CEST 2006


LKB used to work well on my old Powerbook and the installation was 
automatic, like a magic in just few instants. Now, I'm failing with 
installation of LKB on my new MacBook Pro (I do not have Parallels).

Hope for help!

Here is what I've done following the instructions for Manual Installation 
at <http://wiki.delph-in.net/moin/LkbInstallation>

- created directories
- Downloaded and unpacked
   lkb_data.tgz and lkb_source.tgz from 
and got: `lkb_data' and `src'
- moved them in delphin:
- created LKB-specific settings to my shell and emacs start-up by
  = in the .bash_profile file, added the line:
export DELPHINHOME=~/Documents/delphin
which set up the var:

   = in .emacs, added:

(let ((root (or (getenv "DELPHINHOME") 
   (if (file-exists-p (format "%s/lkb/etc/dot.emacs" root))
       (load (format "%s/lkb/etc/dot.emacs" root) nil t t)))

(by guessing this from Emilly's emails; before that I tried
"~/Documents/delphin" with the same failure)

- ran lkb:
localhost:~ rosi$ lkb
-bash: lkb: command not found
I also tried clicking the windows `lkb' and `install' inside 

The result is the invitation Choose Application..

Hope for help!

Roussanka Loukanova
Computational Linguistics
Dept. of Linguistics and Philology
Uppsala University
P.Box 635, Uppsala 751 26, Sweden

Tel:   +46 18 471 1342 (office)
        +46 18 750 0340
Email: rloukano at stp.lingfil.uu.se
URL:   http://stp.ling.uu.se/~rloukano/

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