[lkb] generation ranking in LKB

Stephan Oepen oe at ifi.uio.no
Sat Jul 10 11:15:52 CEST 2010

hi xuchen,

i am assuming you are thinking of generation using the ERG here?  the
following lines in the `script' file enable realization ranking:

  #+(and :tsdb :logon)
  (tsdb::read-model (lkb-pathname (parent-directory) "jhpstg.g.mem"))
  #+(and :tsdb :logon)
  (setf *unpacking-scoring-hook* #'tsdb::mem-score-configuration)

the reason this is only supported in the LOGON tree is its dependency
on the CMU LM toolkit and the actual language model, which were deemed
too space-consuming to be included in the general LKB SVN.

so, assuming you are actually in the LOGON tree, you should be able to
use realization ranking.  it will be turned on by default when running
in [incr tsdb()], i.e. batch generating.  for interactive use, i think
you would have to pass the optional :nanalyses argument.  e.g.

  LKB(22): (do-parse-tty "kim gave the big angry dog a bone.")
  LKB(23): (generate-from-mrs
            (mrs::extract-mrs (first *parse-record*))
            :nanalyses 42)
  ("Kim gave the angry big dog a bone."
   "Kim gave the big angry dog a bone."
   "Kim gave a bone to the angry big dog."
   "Kim gave a bone to the big angry dog.")
  LKB(24): (loop for edge in *gen-record* collect (edge-score edge))
  (2.20243 1.8947849 1.7799873 1.4181345)

too bad the adjective ordering ends up unnatural in this example, but
the model appears to be doing something (useful).

                                                        best  -  oe

+++ Universitetet i Oslo (IFI); Boks 1080 Blindern; 0316 Oslo; (+47) 2284 0125
+++    --- oe at ifi.uio.no; stephan at oepen.net; http://www.emmtee.net/oe/ ---

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