[logon] HandOn release schedule

Stephan Oepen oe at ifi.uio.no
Tue Nov 18 08:38:10 CET 2008

dear all,

berthold suggests to revise our release schedule: essentially, he wants
a few more days to further improve the DeEn language pair.  i would be
happy pushing everything back by a week, i.e. temporarily open the SVN
repository for write access (to the HandOn release candidate), and then
re-starting the burn-in test phase on monday, november 24.  by then, we
really should declare a code freeze, i.e. only check in mandatory fixes
for genuine bugs in this release.

francis and  eric, would you agree to the re-scheduling?  maybe you too
have further improvements you would like to commit to this release?

                                                      all best  -  oe

+++ Universitetet i Oslo (IFI); Boks 1080 Blindern; 0316 Oslo; (+47) 2284 0125
+++     CSLI Stanford; Ventura Hall; Stanford, CA 94305; (+1 650) 723 0515
+++       --- oe at ifi.uio.no; oe at csli.stanford.edu; stephan at oepen.net ---

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