[logon] preparing for another LOGON snapshot: Barcelona

Berthold Crysmann crysmann at ifk.uni-bonn.de
Wed Jun 3 16:17:42 CEST 2009

On Wed, 2009-05-20 at 16:56 +0200, Stephan Oepen wrote:
> dear all,
> as mentioned on the DELPH-IN `developers' list today, i would suggest
> that we jointly produce another tagged LOGON snapshot, i.e. a release
> of the complete tree than can serve as a stable point of reference for
> users.  the last such snapshot (HandOn) is getting out of date, and i
> would like to aim for at least one release each year, synchronized to
> the annual summit.
> i would want to complete this snapshot (codenamed Barcelona) on 15-jul,
> and there needs to be a non-trivial amount of testing before that date.
> hence i would suggest 5-jul as the cut-off date, i.e. anything you want
> to see included in this release should be committed to the SVN `trunk'
> by that date.
> besides picking up recent Allegro CL patches and LKB and [incr tsdb()]
> code updates, my main goal for this release would be to move to a newer
> version of the ERG as the default (i.e. `lingo/erg/', the grammar that
> is used by standard MT, parsing, and generation configurations).  this
> will require support from dan (ERG), eric and francis (JaEn and EnJa),
> and berthold (DeEn and maybe EnDe).  will each team have some time for
> testing MT performance and making adjustments as needed?
I think I can definitely supply DeEn. Time permitting, I shall try to
also update EnDe to cover the full MRS test suite.  

> dan was planning to freeze ERG changes in the next few weeks, so maybe
> we can agree on a target date for a new ERG version that is quite close
> to the expected 0907 release (sans updated treebanks, for example), say
> around 7-jun?  dan, is that a possible target date?
> the Barcelona release should of course also include up-to-date versions
> of JaCY and GG (and preferably also other grammars that are part of the
> LOGON tree, e.g. the SRG and Cheetah). 

A current version of GG will be included. 

What about HaG? 


>  if possible, developers should
> schedule their efforts for late june and july around this release goal,
> such that the versions that end up in the snapshot are somewhat tested,
> or at least do not contain incomplete, untested major revisions :-).
> besides aiming to have code and grammars up-to-date, what other changes 
> would people like to see in the next LOGON release?
>                                                       all best  -  oe
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> +++ Universitetet i Oslo (IFI); Boks 1080 Blindern; 0316 Oslo; (+47) 2284 0125
> +++     CSLI Stanford; Ventura Hall; Stanford, CA 94305; (+1 650) 723 0515
> +++       --- oe at ifi.uio.no; oe at csli.stanford.edu; stephan at oepen.net ---
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

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