[logon] preparing for another LOGON snapshot: Barcelona
Stephan Oepen
oe at ifi.uio.no
Tue Jun 16 19:20:23 CEST 2009
dear all,
a few days ago, dan made available an ERG 0907 release candidate, and
as of today the copy of the ERG included in the LOGON tree is updated
to reflect this forthcoming release. in other words, `lingo/erg/' is
now an up-to-date copy of the ERG. i would suggest that everyone runs
`make update' in their LOGON trees immediately, and that those working
on MT configurations involving the ERG start using this version of the
ERG now. in case you have been experimenting with the `trunk' version
of the ERG as `lingo/terg/' in the LOGON tree, i recommend you delete
that copy of the ERG, to make sure you are using the right version:
cd $LOGONROOT/lingo
\rm -rf terg
svn update
at the same time, i suggest we all make sure to converge on things in
the LOGON tree. if you had uncommited changes, for example to some of
the MT configuration files (`logon.lisp', `ja2en.lisp', `de2en.lisp',
et al.), i suggest you move your local copies out of the way, get the
standard LOGON versions (`make update'), test against these files, and
then submit (to me) whatever changes you feel are needed.
for this release to make sense, it is important that we are all using
the same versions for the next few weeks. hence, please try to either
make do without local modifications (to files that you do not control),
or work with me to get changes into the main LOGON tree. please update
the complete LOGON tree frequently during this phase. anything changes
or bug reports that you submit should be against the latest revision.
all best - oe
nb: in terms of cpu definitions, the following are affected by the ERG
update: :erg, :cheap, erg+tnt, :mrs, :wiki, and :ptb.
+++ Universitetet i Oslo (IFI); Boks 1080 Blindern; 0316 Oslo; (+47) 2284 0125
+++ CSLI Stanford; Ventura Hall; Stanford, CA 94305; (+1 650) 723 0515
+++ --- oe at ifi.uio.no; oe at csli.stanford.edu; stephan at oepen.net ---
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