[logon] LOGON on a read-only file system

Rebecca Dridan bec.dridan at gmail.com
Sun Nov 1 23:53:25 CET 2009

Hi all,

I want to set up a central LOGON install that people here can use, but 
not alter. (They can set their own $TSDBHOME to play with profiles.) I 
checked out the Barcelona release of LOGON onto a disk that is mounted 
read-only on the central machines. By commenting out the creation of 
$LOGONROOT/.chasenrc in $LOGONROOT/dot.bashrc, I can start LKB and [incr 
tsdb()] without error, but to load the ERG I had to change the script file.

I changed all lines like this:

(lkb-load-lisp (parent-directory) "Version.lsp" t nil)

to this:

(load (lkb-pathname (parent-directory) "Version.lsp"))

 From what I understand, lkb-load-lisp creates a lock file in the 
grammar directory. My questions:

1) Given this will always be a binary install, with no compiling, is 
there any problem doing this?

2) Is there a better way?

3) Are there any other issues I'm likely to run in to with a read-only 



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