[developers] unified DELPH-IN bug tracking

Ann Copestake Ann.Copestake at cl.cam.ac.uk
Sat Aug 20 20:03:35 CEST 2005

don't have any opinion except that we should probably have it set up so there's
a web interface linked to the DELPH-IN pages.  Maybe we should ask people to
communicate bugs via the web interface and retire the lkb-bugs email address
(make it autorespond with the URL)?  But if we're going to do this I'd like to
know fairly soon, because I want to email lkb-list with the Wiki pages and
should warn if we're planning on changing bug reporting. 

Could we have a bit more detail of the discussion please?  Is the plan to
integrate the grammars into bug reporting too?  Not necessarily bugs of the
form `it doesn't parse X' but bugs in the globals, user-fns and patch files
need to be reported somehow


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