[developers] tsdb issue

R. Bergmair rb432 at cam.ac.uk
Mon Feb 16 16:52:43 CET 2009

Hi everyone,

I've been doing some treebanking with, I believe,
the most recent versions of LKB and ERG (LKB
downloaded from the Stanford HTTP server, build
2009-02-06, ERG from the LOGON SVN, revision 1418).

I parsed my items using the LKB.

When I treebank, it initially seems like everything
is working fine: I can make my decisions, and when
I save them they make it into the "decisions" and
"trees" file.  I can review the trees I've selected
by using "Previous" and "Next". I can exit the
annotation window and do a thinning normalize, which
writes a results file containing only the trees I've

But when I go back into the annotation window,
then, for some items, tsdb shows me the one tree
I've selected in blue, the way it's supposed to be,
while for other items, it seems to have amnesia
about the annotation I've already done and saved,
showing me multiple trees in black.

I then tried to do the treebanking a second time,
for these items, then exit the window, then go back
into it, and I get the same symptom again.

Some of the items I've now treebanked for the
second time are displayed correctly, while for
some of them, tsdb gets amnesia a second time.

...I haven't quite figured out, which aspects of
my behaviour trigger this phenomenon, exactly.

Any ideas?


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