[developers] Running LKB in tty mode

Mostafa Gomaa mostafa.gomaa89 at gmail.com
Wed May 1 15:01:55 CEST 2013


After too much effort of attempting to compile LKB under windows using
SBCL, I was finally able to compile it. I mainly followed the error
messages, did some tweaks and edited some character encoding errors. I also
played around with the system files a bit. The problem now is that I want
to load and use a grammar in tty mode. I first tried to load the script file
using (read-script-file-aux path-to-file), but now I receive some errors
when the function is attempting to read the types.tdl file. The errors are
as follows:
Reading in type file types
Checking type hierarchy
*DLIST* specified to have non-existent parent *TOP*
*LIST* specified to have non-existent parent *TOP*
AGR specified to have non-existent parent *TOP*
POS specified to have non-existent parent *TOP*
RELATION specified to have non-existent parent *TOP*
SEMANTICS specified to have non-existent parent *TOP*
SEMENT specified to have non-existent parent *TOP*
SIGN specified to have non-existent parent *TOP*
STRING specified to have non-existent parent *TOP*
debugger invoked on a SIMPLE-ERROR in thread
#<THREAD "main thread" RUNNING {23EF7981}>:
  Problems in type file

Any ideas on how this may be solved?. Thank you very much.


Mostafa Gomaa
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