[developers] unicode in lui window titles

Joshua Crowgey jcrowgey at uw.edu
Mon Feb 19 22:20:53 CET 2018

Thanks for the prompt reply.  I found the debug log file where you said
it would be.  It's attached.

On 02/19/2018 01:15 PM, Stephan Oepen wrote:
> hi joshua,
> not sure the expert is at their desk already, but i doubt this problem
> originates on the lisp side.  i rather suspect that the routines to
> set the window title in LUI may predate its update to full unicode
> support (using the pango library).
> to aid debugging, there should be a file ‘yzlui.debug.jcrowgey’ (or
> the like), probably in your ‘/tmp/’ directory.  could you email that
> file
> it should contain the full commands sent from the LKB to LUI and
> should be encoded in UTF-8.  the string transmitted as the window
> title occurs towards the end of the ‘tree’ command, for example.
> best, oe
> On Mon, Feb 19, 2018 at 10:05 PM, Joshua Crowgey <jcrowgey at uw.edu> wrote:
>> Hello developers,
>> I find that when I look at a parse result using LUI and LKB, the
>> characters used in the tree display and in the semantics (in a Simple
>> MRS display) look great, but the window-title leaves a bit to be desired.
>> Of course, it's not a very big deal since the important part is the
>> content of the window, not its title, but if there's some easy fix that
>> you all may know of, I would be happy to hear about it.
>> I attach three screenshots as an example.  In one, I'm showing the the
>> top of a terminal emulator which has a pwd that's a Lushootseed
>> sentence.  This is just to show that generally, the window titles on my
>> system look fine even with Unicode (I'm using i3wm on debian --- I don't
>> know if that's relevant).  Then, the other two show a parse result.  You
>> can see that the text in the tree nodes and in the semantic relations is
>> fine, but the window title has a lot of tofu.
>> I'm not skilled enough with LISP to fix this myself in any reasonable
>> amount of time, so I thought I'd ask the experts.
>> Tyty!
>> --
>> Joshua Crowgey
-------------- next part --------------
process_complete_command(): `parameter list-type *LIST* '

process_complete_command(): `
parameter non-empty-list-type *CONS* '

process_complete_command(): `
parameter empty-list-type *NULL* '

process_complete_command(): `
parameter list-head HD '

process_complete_command(): `
parameter list-tail TL '

process_complete_command(): `
status ready '

process_complete_command(): `
parameter list-type LIST '

process_complete_command(): `
parameter non-empty-list-type *CONS* '

process_complete_command(): `
parameter empty-list-type NULL '

process_complete_command(): `
parameter list-head FIRST '

process_complete_command(): `
parameter list-tail REST '

process_complete_command(): `
status ready '

process_complete_command(): `
group 1 "`gʷəl ʔəy̓-dxʷ tiʔiɬ ʔiišəd-s' (1 Tree)" '

process_complete_command(): `
tree 1 #T[2 "S" NIL 24 MOD-HEAD #T[3 "ADV" "gʷəl" 10 gʷəl ]#T[4 "S" NIL 23 HEAD-COMP #T[5 "V" NIL 14 DECL-HEAD-OPT-SUBJ #T[6 "V" NIL 13 DC-SUFFIX #T[7 "VP" NIL 12 IMPERFECTIVE-LEX #T[8 "VP" "ʔəy̓-dxʷ" 11 ʔəy̓ ]]]]#T[9 "NP" NIL 22 HEAD-SPEC #T[10 "D" "tiʔiɬ" 17 tiʔiɬ ]#T[11 "N" NIL 19 3SG-POSS-SUFFIX #T[12 "N" "ʔiišəd-s" 18 ʔiišəd ]]]]] "`gʷəl ʔəy̓-dxʷ tiʔiɬ ʔiišəd-s' Parse Tree # 1" '

unknown XYZ keycode: Super_L
unknown XYZ keycode: Super_L
unknown XYZ keycode: Super_L
unknown XYZ keycode: Super_L
process_complete_command(): `
parameter avm-collapsed-types [u h i e x] '

process_complete_command(): `
avm 13 #D[mrs LTOP: <"h1">=h INDEX: <"e2">=#D[e SF: "prop-or-ques" E.TENSE: "tense" E.ASPECT: "imperfective" E.MOOD: "mood"] RELS: #D[*cons* FIRST: #D["_gʷəl_sconj_and_rel" LBL: <"h3">=h ARG0: <"e5">=#D[e SF: "iforce" E.TENSE: "tense" E.ASPECT: "aspect" E.MOOD: "mood"] ARG1: <"h4">=h] REST: #D[*cons* FIRST: #D["_ʔəy̓_v_found_rel" LBL: <"h6">=h ARG0: <"e2"> ARG1: <"x7">=#D[x SPECI: "bool" COG-ST: "cog-st" PNG.PER: "person" PNG.NUM: "number" PNG.GEND: "gender"]] REST: #D[*cons* FIRST: #D["_dxw_x_dc_rel" LBL: <"h8">=h ARG0: <"e2"> ARG1: <"x9">=#D[x SPECI: "bool" COG-ST: "in-foc" PNG.PER: "person" PNG.NUM: "number" PNG.GEND: "gender"]] REST: #D[*cons* FIRST: #D["_tiʔiɬ_dist_q_rel" LBL: <"h10">=h ARG0: <"x7"> RSTR: <"h11">=h BODY: <"h12">=h] REST: #D[*cons* FIRST: #D["_ʔiišəd_n_relatives_rel" LBL: <"h13">=h ARG0: <"x7">] REST: #D[*cons* FIRST: #D["_s_x_2pl.poss_rel" LBL: <"h14">=h ARG0: <"i16">=i ARG1: <"x15">=#D[x SPECI: "bool" COG-ST: "cog-st" PNG.PER: "3rd" PNG.NUM: "sg" PNG.GEND: "gender"] ARG2: <"x7">] REST: null]]]]]] HCONS: #D[*cons* FIRST: #D[qeq HARG: <"h4"> LARG: <"h17">=h] REST: #D[*cons* FIRST: #D[qeq HARG: <"h11"> LARG: <"h13">] REST: null]]] "`gʷəl ʔəy̓-dxʷ tiʔiɬ ʔiišəd-s' Simple MRS Display" '

unknown XYZ keycode: Super_L
unknown XYZ keycode: Super_L
unknown XYZ keycode: Super_L
unknown XYZ keycode: Super_L
unknown XYZ keycode: Super_L
unknown XYZ keycode: Super_L
unknown XYZ keycode: Super_L
unknown XYZ keycode: Super_L
unknown XYZ keycode: Super_L
unknown XYZ keycode: Super_L
unknown XYZ keycode: Super_L
unknown XYZ keycode: Super_L
unknown XYZ keycode: Super_L
unknown XYZ keycode: Super_L
unknown XYZ keycode: Super_L
unknown XYZ keycode: Super_L
unknown XYZ keycode: Super_L
unknown XYZ keycode: Super_L
unknown XYZ keycode: Super_L
unknown XYZ keycode: Super_L
unknown XYZ keycode: Super_L
process_complete_command(): `
group 2 "`ʔu-hədʔiw̓-b čələp ʔu' (2 Trees)" '

process_complete_command(): `
tree 14 #T[15 "S" NIL 19 COMP-AUX #T[16 "S" NIL 14 DECL-HEAD-OPT-COMP #T[17 "V" NIL 13 COMP-AUX #T[18 "V" NIL 9 CSMD-SUFFIX #T[19 "VP" NIL 8 PERFECTIVE-PREFIX #T[20 "VP" "ʔu-hədʔiw̓-b" 7 hədʔiw̓ ]]]#T[21 "V" "čələp" 12 čələp ]]]#T[22 "V" "ʔu" 18 ʔu ]] "`ʔu-hədʔiw̓-b čələp ʔu' Parse Tree # 1" '

process_complete_command(): `
tree 23 #T[24 "S" NIL 17 DECL-HEAD-OPT-COMP #T[25 "V" NIL 16 COMP-AUX #T[26 "V" NIL 9 CSMD-SUFFIX #T[27 "VP" NIL 8 PERFECTIVE-PREFIX #T[28 "VP" "ʔu-hədʔiw̓-b" 7 hədʔiw̓ ]]]#T[29 "V" "čələp ʔu" 15 čələp%20ʔu ]]] "`ʔu-hədʔiw̓-b čələp ʔu' Parse Tree # 2" '

process_complete_command(): `
group 1 "`ʔu-hədʔiw̓-t čəxʷ ʔu ti sqʷəbayʔ' (1 Tree)" '

process_complete_command(): `
tree 30 #T[31 "S" NIL 29 HEAD-COMP #T[32 "V" NIL 20 COMP-AUX #T[33 "V" NIL 13 ICS-SUFFIX #T[34 "VP" NIL 12 PERFECTIVE-PREFIX #T[35 "VP" "ʔu-hədʔiw̓-t" 11 hədʔiw̓ ]]]#T[36 "V" "čəxʷ ʔu" 19 čəxʷ%20ʔu ]]#T[37 "NP" NIL 28 HEAD-SPEC #T[38 "D" "ti" 24 ti ]#T[39 "N" "sqʷəbayʔ" 25 sqʷəbayʔ ]]] "`ʔu-hədʔiw̓-t čəxʷ ʔu ti sqʷəbayʔ' Parse Tree # 1" '

process_complete_command(): `
parameter avm-collapsed-types [u h i e x] '

process_complete_command(): `
avm 40 #D[mrs LTOP: <"h1">=h INDEX: <"e2">=#D[e SF: "ques" E.TENSE: "tense" E.ASPECT: "perfective" E.MOOD: "mood"] RELS: #D[*cons* FIRST: #D["_hədʔiw̓_v_inside_rel" LBL: <"h3">=h ARG0: <"e2"> ARG1: <"x4">=#D[x SPECI: "bool" COG-ST: "cog-st" PNG.PER: "person" PNG.NUM: "number" PNG.GEND: "gender"]] REST: #D[*cons* FIRST: #D["_t_x_ics_rel" LBL: <"h5">=h ARG0: <"e2"> ARG1: <"x6">=#D[x SPECI: "bool" COG-ST: "cog-st" PNG.PER: "2nd" PNG.NUM: "sg" PNG.GEND: "gender"]] REST: #D[*cons* FIRST: #D["_ti_prox_q_rel" LBL: <"h7">=h ARG0: <"x4"> RSTR: <"h8">=h BODY: <"h9">=h] REST: #D[*cons* FIRST: #D["_sqʷəbayʔ_n_dog_rel" LBL: <"h10">=h ARG0: <"x4">] REST: null]]]] HCONS: #D[*cons* FIRST: #D[qeq HARG: <"h8"> LARG: <"h10">] REST: null]] "`ʔu-hədʔiw̓-t čəxʷ ʔu ti sqʷəbayʔ' Simple MRS Display" '

unknown XYZ keycode: Super_L
unknown XYZ keycode: Super_L
unknown XYZ keycode: Super_L

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