[matrix] Pronoun Relations

Mike Maxwell maxwell at ldc.upenn.edu
Sat Feb 17 01:46:29 CET 2007

I wrote:
> I have heard that some West African languages are like English (and 
> other Germanic languages) in this respect (although what they call 
> "weak" pronouns are apparently clitics; but object pronouns in English 
> are often clitics).  There's a short discussion of Yoruba anaphora 

Aargh (not to be confused with ARG or AGR), I should have proofread 
better.  The "they" in the above refers to the authors of the Yoruba 
article, not West African languages.  That is, Yoruba "weak" pronouns 
are said to be clitics.
	Mike Maxwell
	maxwell at ldc.upenn.edu

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