[matrix] matrix - general: inserting chunks into the type hierarchy - correction

Gertrud Faasz gertrud.faasz at tuks.co.za
Wed May 23 08:01:17 CEST 2007

Dear all,
Could be that the freezing South African temperatures cooled down our
brains too much (its winter here), however, we made a huge mistake in
thinking that our VCO's are not recursive. What we did not think about
is that the nouns subcategorized by the verbstem are actually noun
phrases and could be recursive, as it is the case with e.g. possessives.
So VCOs are indeed do be defined as phrases, see in the following

Ke rata moradi wa mogišane wa gago
I like (the) daughter of (the) neighbor of you

So we'll now retreat, trying to find in a warm corner and will try to
implement VCOs as phrases. Sorry for any inconvience caused!

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