[matrix] again for clarification of lab-05

Altaf Mahmud altaf.mahmud at gmail.com
Sat May 26 13:48:22 CEST 2007

hi again,

And I need another clarification of "case marking adpositions" of Lab-05. In
that section, a type "case-marker-p-lex" is created for case
marking adpositions and a particular case-marker-adp lexical entries will
instantiate this type and constrain the value of
SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.CASE. But, the matrix has already created a type by
the customization script which is for object marking:

;;; Case-marking adpositions

obj-marker := case-marker-p-lex &
  [ STEM < "theke" >,

This lexical entry is accusatively marked by its FORM feature. Now,
according to Lab-05, after declaring the feature CASE for +np, do I need to
change this lexical entry to constraint the feature CASE instead of FORM? Or
I just need to constraint its another CASE feature?

Thanks a lot!

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